Thursday 19 August 2010

Week 3: Keep it simple and choose who we compete with

We've settled into a routine here at start-up towers but that doesn't mean we've been getting complacent.  Last Thursdays we dragged our user interface guru; Andy, up to the office to do our first user experience session.  That's where we sit in front of mock-ups of our application and decide whether it's any good or not.  Lucky for us, Andy isn't shy when it comes to telling us we've missed a trick, and we were quickly looking for ways to improve the user journey.  After an hour or so of bouncing ideas, we got to a completely different way of creating the journey and I reckon the users' are going to love it.  You know when something is right, and we were buzzing all the next day about what we'd created.  Thank you Andy, you're a legend.

In other developments, Rog and I have put our heads down and coded away at the basics of the system.  With my new framework, and our new way of under-complicating everything, we've made great progress.  Funny, we're finding that everything can be made simpler, and I think when it comes to a start-up, keeping it simple is so important.  We've got to make it past the first few months yet, so no point worrying about whether a decision now will affect us in year two.

The final news is we've just finished our latest roadmap lunch.  The outcome was really interesting.  Firstly, don't order fish finger sandwiches from the Fountain Head (under-whelming), second we really have to focus on what we want to sell.  With software it's so easy to think "we'll add this bit on here and that bit on there" and before you know it, you've got an application suite on your hands.  We don't want that, we want to be the best at one thing, and be indispensible and seamless at providing that one thing to our clients.  If we keep focussed on that, and justify our product choices that way, then I'm confident that we'll get to our destination as quickly and inexpensively as is possible.

Excitement levels: Look at the size of our database!

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