Friday 5 November 2010

Week 14: False start

I guess it’s almost expected to happen, but the Savvy team were prepared, tested and ready to rock but we couldn’t launch our first paying campaign. Why? Believe it or not, we had a banking set-up issue with our client that nobody had expected, and so we couldn’t take payments.  They got straight onto the issue to fix it, but our lumbering banking system once again is moving very slowly and it couldn’t get resolved all week.

We found it hard to adjust our plan after expecting to be monitoring live action all week, so we each retreated into our own comfort zones; Mike into sales activity (long drive to Cardiff and email marketing), Roger into PCI DSS compliance (he will grow to love it one day) and me into coding (rebuilt the payment page and all the CSS).

Our attention is now changing to our next development sprint, only we know that we could be asked to go live at any time. Now that’s a difficult balance to strike.

Last thing, we've discovered that we can't actually take the nasty decorative 'art' off the office walls, they appear to be held on by black magic. I have to prop my lovely Jack Hudson print on my desk. Still, nice and close to look at when day dreaming.

Excitement levels:  Rollercoastering.

Office music this week: None (possibly should have used eighties classics to pick us up)

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